The Congress (2013)
Torrent details: DVD Rip, Dual Audio, English sub
Year: 2013
Genre: Animation, Action, Sci-Fi
Director: Ari Folman
Starring: Robin Wright, Harvey Keitel, Jon Hamm
Aging, out-of-work actors got another gig, even though the consequences of his decision affects him in a manner he did not think so.
Linda Winsh-BolardIsraeli Ari Folman is best known for Waltz with Bashir, an animated film of moral questions.Dont waiting for something to similar.Congress is a loose adaptation of the novel by Stanislaw Lem. Lem envisioned a society under the dictatorship, both locally and globally, it is unclear the film, in which the ruling class live in the real world issues and the majority of citizens in poverty and fear. Other people spend their lives under chemically induced dream. In their dream they can decide who and where they are, when their subconscious mind is responsible for the chemical that they are transported to a colorful, surreal world combined dreams.Ari fulman frames his story of an aging movie actress Robin Wright (who plays himself), who, after a very lucky break, did some irresponsible and poor choices and ended a few options. Robin, who has two children, a daughter and a disabled son ambitious, given his image to be used for all types of computer films.Some scan twenty years later Robin to drive his Porsche Cayman in the desert to make Abrahama Decision studio city, where everything, to a bottle of chemicals, an animated character, some of the self, others. They chemically induced reality is really just their idea of ââthe world.The adventure ends badly, and Robin is frozen to restart the technology needed his help is available for live ; system. It will take decades, and when he does wake up, the world is a colorful comics.The The film follows the idea of ââLem's loose, but it is dark, the real side to the other side of the film is the age of Painting.The between. Especially when the characters are in the real world, monologues and dialogues are long, over the grounds, and often have to cut down.Stripped color and Lem's vision of the future, the story is a journey dedicated to the mother of a disabled son. Robin seems to expect that all must bow down to be with their children and will stand by his son, his need. I do not think realistically. In Robins' expectations and the written self-obsessed mother sacrifices, the capital of intended.It annoyed that Robin was so clearly thought to be as much as special as I could find s. There is nothing special about her I'm so tired of stories about bad, the lucky ones who trouble their luck had to deal with. ? They would rather Lems philosophy of the dictatorship, which keeps people in a line of drug induced dreams are unknown and poor complex: the film provides that when a chemical is inhaled, the person ceases to to be a real world case, the elements can be emitted? It's not a straight up murder, Robin returned to another chemical, then what is it? There is no shortage of labor in the real world, like so many cease to exist? Who makes the decision to stay and endure poverty, powerlessness, and hard work? Why? And why the dictators of the use of such chemicals? It may reduce the enemy, but it is difficult to society, few people can walk it.About half of the film is acted, half-animated. Functional, movie stars, is generally good, though, as I said, the heavy lines, burdensome and unnecessary, crowd noise, ut players they handle better than most would be .. Robin is off the beaten track and away from Al, his agent (Harvey Keitel), the old manipulator, Paul Giamatti medical information and so on. I have heard that out of the Tom Cruise plays EVANT Ferrante was to be his best film part.The animation is colorful, lush, bacteria and promote the confusion brought avatar. Number of characters parade around the screen seems to be the only background Robin and his followers.Exploring power of the mind and the policy has been largely lost in it all. However, if you enjoy a combination of animation and action, sci-fi and conspiracy, it just worked you.Directed by: Ari Folman Author: Stanislaw Lem (novel), Ari Folman (adaptation), Camera: Michal Englert Stars Robin Wright, Harvey Keitel , Jon Hamm, Paul Giamatti, Danny Huston, and others
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