Savages (2012)
Torrent details: DVD Rip, Dual Audio, English sub
Year: 2012
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Oliver Stone
Starring: Blake Lively, Taylor Kitsch, Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Pot makers Ben and Chon face off against the Mexican drug cartel who kidnapped their mutual friend.
This was not a good movie. It could have been a great movie, but it was let down in two main ways. First off, two of the three main characters are terrible. Blake Lively makes for good eye candy, but she's just not a good actor. She is not bad in small supporting roles (like her role in The Town), but she just can not wear a lead. Unfortunately, the film revolves basically around her (and she said), so that her weaknesses are front and center. Every time her voice-over came on, I crawled. It was not really a good choice. Taylor Kitsch is not better. Again ... good eye candy, bad acting. Very bad acting. He just has no soul, and gives absolutely nothing to his character whatsoever. He should be in a brain-dead Fast & Furious movie play against Vin Diesel, not an Oliver Stone drama. The second major failure of this film is even more serious, and it is the story structure. We never really get the opportunity to understand why the three main characters (Chon, Ben and Ophelia) have such strong feelings for each other. Was told that they do, but never had any real reason to believe it. This is extremely important, because literally the whole premise of the film hinges on their relationship. If you are building a dramatic story about an unorthodox three-way relationship, you had better explain more than a quick scene exactly how this situation happened, otherwise the audience will know varfö , r they should care about the characters. Especially when the actors portraying these characters are not very good to begin with. I know I asked myself why these two guys sharing a girl, how they have absolutely zero jealousy, why they never once thought about the double-cross each other, and why some of them cares so deeply for her - the point of being willing to risk their lives and commit atrocities in order to save her. Where did all this love and loyalty from? It was never sufficiently explained, and the film suffers immensely for it.On a slightly more positive note, veteran actors a good job. Benicio Del Toro was fantastic as a psychotic cartel underboss, chewed John Travolta nature to bits, and Salma Hayek were totally believable in his role. Unfortunately, earned his skills just to emphasize the incompetence younger drivers. Its telling that the best scene in the whole movie was between Del Toro and Travolta, with none of the three leading players somewhere there, suggested and picked this movie wasted. Many reviewers took issue with the violence portrayed in the movie, but I do not have a problem with it. You really can not make a film about the Mexican drug cartels without violence, so I did not feel it was pointless. Unfortunately this does not make the film any more credible from a plot perspective.Overall, I do not think this was a very good movie. I do not think Stone felt completely comfortable with what he did here, sometimes try to be Tarantino, but fail completely. And likewise, I think that if this movie had been in the hands of Tarantino or Robert Rodriguez, it probably would have come out much better, maybe even good.