Side Effects (2013)
Torrent details: DVD Rip, Dual Audio, English sub
Year: 2013
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Steven Soderbergh
Starring: Rooney Mara, Channing Tatum, Jude Law
A young woman in the world discovered when the medication prescribed by her psychiatrist has unexpected side effects.
If you're lucky, the side effects will not be permanent. Halfway through the film, is a compelling indictment pharmaceutical industry and his rude behavior towards his patients, in the second half, it's a three-pronged mystery / thriller, with double crosses and shots galore. E 'fair to say that the film is set during each of its different parts, but overall it is a complicated story that immerses you in a fake plot and wraps so clearly can practically see a butterfly on it. Emily (Rooney Mara) is depressed, her husband Martin (Channing Tatum) has just returned from a stint in prison for insider trading, but feel anxious and can not sleep. He visits a psychiatrist Jonathan Banks (Jude Law), which prescribes a new medication to help her when the best-known brands (Zoloft, Paxil, Wellbutrin, etc.) do not seem to break Emily from her boredom. However, the drug, as you might imagine so smart, it has its own side effects.It is - spoiler - that Emily started sleepwalking. Well, most of sleepwalking, she is doing things in a dream, how to prepare breakfast and set the table, all in the middle of the night and I can not remember one the next day. Tragedy and Emily sleeping. It is the culprit, or the drug is to blame? At first, the assumption seems to be that the inclusion of patients on medications that have just approved as part of the study, it is quite unethical behavior by physicians. Dr. Banks has to pay the bills, though, what with her husband lose their jobs at high power. So HES work longer hours and take on more work, including participation in this study. When tragedy comes back to haunt him and Emily, the film takes a turn - which can transform from being just Shmoe Banks overexposed in manipulative drug dealer who used his patients as well as experiments. Up to this point, I do not know whether the banks actually innocent. From what I've seen, it seems so, but it could unintentionally caused the death of someone can prescribe medication to someone who has reacted badly to the side effects. Of course, his reputation (and marriage) in ruins, the bank works to clear his name. It's actually easier than it is in most films of this genre, because hes not in jail or anything. He just needs to put together clues.One of these traces Emily's last doctor, Victoria Siebert (Catherine Zeta-Jones), which is useful, but guarded. He says that Emily left his care in Connecticut when Emilys husband has a job on Wall Street, which ultimately led Emily to see Dr. Banks.The second half of the film deals with the bank's efforts to find things. Race against time and the difficulty of believing various stories, he is now in full the victim mode, as shown in the viewer. Its not uncommon role, in fact, its kind of trope, seeking to prove themselves innocent. Have now been sold on his innocence, and we, as the audience happened.I We just want to know what has been mentioned before, and the film ends neatly. Too nice for my taste, although its not as if the plausible explanations. But there is nothing wrong with some uncertainty, some ambiguities, and this movie - 50 and last (maybe), directed by Steven Soderbergh
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